Trip Trip Hooray Application
Please fill out the form below to apply.
Preferred Pronouns
Phone Number
Preferred Contact
City/State that you reside in
Emergency Contact Name/Relationship/Number
What are you hoping to get out of this course?
How do you hope to use this information in your business and/or personal life? What does that look like to you?
How would you like us to support you during this course?
How do you learn the best? What is your learning style?
What will make this course an amazing experience for you?
Due to the nature of this course and subject matter, do you agree to maintain confidentiality about the experiences of others, identify of participants in the course, and course content?
Do you agree the course content is the proprietary information of Becca Gerlach (Being Human Group) and Holly Sanders-Cobb (Healing Space Collective) and will not be duplicated, shared, or marketed for profit by participant?
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